Amneal Code of Conduct

9 December 2019 Who is covered by the Code? Our Code of Conduct applies to everybody at Amneal – directors, officers and employees, as well as contingent workers and business partners who perform work on our behalf (collectively referred to as “colleagues”). The Code applies to all colleagues in all subsidiaries, divisions, and affiliates of Amneal. There are no exceptions. As used in this Code, “Amneal” or “the Company” refers to Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Who develops the Code? Developing and maintaining the Code is the responsibility of the Amneal Corporate Compliance Department. Corporate Compliance is responsible for making sure the Code is up-to-date at all times. The Code is a “living document.” It evolves as laws and rules change, however, our commitment to maintaining the highest ethical standards remains constant. Any changes are communicated as quickly as possible to those who are affected, and an up-to-date version is maintained on Amneal’s internal intranet site. Who approves the Code? The Code is approved by the Amneal Board of Directors, which also must approve any changes to the Code. Any waivers of this Code for directors and executive officers of Amneal may be made only by the Board of Directors or the Audit Committee of the Board after disclosure of all material facts by the individual seeking the waiver, and will be promptly disclosed as required by law or stock exchange regulation. Any waivers for other individuals may be granted only by our Chief Compliance Officer or General Counsel, or their designees. Who is responsible for complying with the Code? All Amneal colleagues are expected to comply with both the content and the intent of our Code. This means you must understand and comply with all of our policies, as well as laws and regulations that apply to your job, even if you feel pressured to do otherwise. The Code also requires you to seek guidance if you have questions or concerns and to cooperate fully in any investigation of suspected violations of the Code that may arise in the course of your employment or other service to, or partnership with the Company. Periodically, you may be asked to provide a written certification that you have reviewed and understand Amneal’s Code of Conduct, comply with its standards, and are not personally aware of any violations of the Code by others. This certification is your pledge to live up to our Code and its expectations and to promptly raise concerns about any situation that you think may violate our Code. Colleagues who violate our Code put themselves, fellow colleagues, and Amneal at risk and may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of such colleague’s employment or other role with the Company. How is the Code enforced? While Corporate Compliance is responsible for enforcing the Code and investigating violations, the Code of Conduct is self-policing, and all colleagues are responsible for resolving or reporting potential infractions. These procedures are detailed on page 11.