Amneal Code of Conduct

55 December 2019 Most ethical questions are not complicated or highly technical, and can be answered based on your own knowledge of the situation and a little common sense. If you are faced with a situation where you’re unsure of the best way to respond, ask yourself these simple questions. 1. Do I have all the facts? 2. If I need more information, how or where might I find it? 3. Who is affected by this situation? 4. What are the possible legal, ethical and other consequences of this situation? 5. Are my actions consistent with the Amneal Code of Conduct? 6. If I do nothing about the situation does that constitute a decision in itself? 7. Who might help me find a solution to the problem? 8. Would I feel comfortable if my actions were reported in a newspaper? 9. How would I explain my actions to others, such as my children or other family members, or in a court of law? If you ask these questions and still can’t figure out what to do, ask your supervisor or manager, your department head, your Human Resources representative, or a Corporate Compliance representative. Keep asking until you receive an acceptable answer. Remember — no manager, supervisor or other Company official has the authority to tell you to disobey a policy or law.