Amneal Code of Conduct

49 December 2019 Our Code of Conduct represents a set of ethical values to be shared by all Amneal colleagues. We are committed to operating according to the high standards of business conduct set forth in the Code, and rely on every colleague to report potential violations. The Amneal Corporate Compliance Department is responsible for administering the Code, for investigating potential violations, and for making recommendations to management for corrective action. How to Report Violations If you witness a potential violation of the Code, in addition to any official reporting requirement required by law, you should report it to your supervisor, to your Human Resources representative, to a Corporate Compliance or Legal Department representative, or to the toll-free Amneal Ethics & Compliance Hotline. The Ethics & Compliance Hotline is available to respond to calls and inquiries 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in most languages. All information provided via the Ethics & Compliance Hotline is confidential and anonymous where permitted. Accessing the Amneal Ethics & Compliance Hotline The Amneal Ethics & Compliance Hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in most languages. In the United States call: +1-877-412-8817 Or visit: The Amneal Ethics & Compliance Hotline is completely confidential. You’ll speak to an independent operator who is not an Amneal employee. Your identity will not be divulged to Amneal without your permission. Non-Retaliation Policy It is Amneal policy to ensure that no colleague will suffer any form of retaliation for coming forward to report potential violations of laws, rules, regulations, or ethical standards regardless of whether that reporting was to an immediate supervisor, Human Resources, other management, or the Ethics & Compliance Hotline.