Amneal Code of Conduct

46 December 2019 Charitable Contributions Amneal is proud of its commitment to enhancing the quality of life in our communities and around the world. As part of this focus, we dedicate resources to social, healthcare, and environmental responsibility programs in the communities where the Company operates, and not-for-profit organizations aligned with our mission and core business. As part of this program, corporate contributions of financial, human and other resources are sometimes granted by Amneal in compliance with the Company’s principles and local laws and regulations. All contributions of Company funds or assets to any not-for-profit or community organization must be coordinated with the Corporate Communications department. Amneal policy prohibits giving charitable donations directly to an individual in a position to prescribe or recommend an Amneal product or a charitable organization on behalf of, or in the name of, a specific individual in a position to prescribe or recommend an Amneal product to ensure that the individual is not conferred a personal benefit that might unduly influence their medical judgment. Charitable donations must never be tied in any way to the past, present, or future purchase, prescribing, recommendation, or formulary placement of any Amneal product, or as a reward for past behavior, or to induce the future prescription or purchase of Amneal products. Any benefit that Amneal obtains must be minimal and incidental to the main purpose of the charitable donation. Occasionally, as part of its support of not-for-profit organizations, Amneal encourages, but does not require, employees to participate in on-site fundraising activities.