Amneal Code of Conduct

42 December 2019 Gifts, Meals and Entertainment Gifts to customers or prospective customers of cash, gift certificates, stock, or similar items in any amount are prohibited. A gift item is never permitted if it is (a) prohibited by law or regulation or the known policies of the employer of the intended recipient or (b) intended to improperly influence, or would have the appearance of improperly influencing, the recipient. In sales situations, the provision of gifts, meals, and entertainment may be prohibited or heavily restricted by law. Where permissible, the provision of gifts, meals, and entertainment may not be conditioned expressly or implicitly on any agreement by a health care practitioner to purchase or prescribe, or to recommend the purchasing or prescribing of, Amneal products; or used to reward a practitioner for purchasing or prescribing Amneal products. Likewise, gifts, meals, and entertainment provided to practitioners who are government employees or employees of state-owned enterprises must comply with Amneal policies regarding interactions with government employees. Failure to follow this policy may subject an employee to severe disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.