Amneal Code of Conduct

23 December 2019 As a responsible member of the communities where we do business, Amneal is committed to operating our facilities in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. It is the responsibility of Amneal colleagues to follow all environmental and safety rules, regulations, and policies. Understanding National and Local Requirements All colleagues are required to be familiar with national and local environmental laws and regulations which relate to their employment responsibilities, and comply with them at all times. This includes making sure reports to government officials on environmental matters are complete, accurate, and timely. Disposal of Hazardous Materials Every colleague is responsible for ensuring that all waste products, hazardous materials, and other regulated items are stored, handled, and disposed of in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Reporting Hazardous Conditions and Events Colleagues must immediately report any unsafe storage or improper disposal or release of a hazardous or toxic substance to their supervisor or department head, and to the EHS Manager responsible for the facility. Use of Protective Equipment and Apparel All colleagues are required to read, understand, and follow all environment, health, and safety policies and procedures that affect their work, and must always wear personal protective equipment and apparel as specified. Reporting Potential Health Risks Colleagues are responsible for informing management of health conditions that may affect their ability to perform required duties. Colleagues working with hazardous materials or in high hazard areas and/or environments are encouraged to inform management about health conditions that may be impacted by such work (for example, pregnancy) in accordance with local rules and regulations, so the Company can take appropriate action to protect employees.