Amneal Code of Conduct

13 December 2019 It is Amneal policy to follow all laws and regulations in the countries and communities where we conduct business. We are proud to work in an industry dedicated to helping people improve the quality of their lives. Because of the direct link between our products and human health, the pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated, and many of our activities are tightly monitored and controlled. At Amneal, we follow both the letter and the spirit of the laws that affect us. We follow laws not only because we are required to do so, but also because following society’s rules is a fundamental responsibility of good corporate citizenship. We want to be known as a company that maintains the highest integrity in everything we do – earning through our actions the trust of our employees, customers, business partners, shareholders, governments, and our neighbors in the communities where we do business. Because we are a growing company with a global presence, Amneal has adopted “global” policies which reflect a consensus among many countries – without regard to which government or agency originated the standard. It is important to understand that the Code provides only an overview of these laws and regulations. In some countries, more stringent laws, regulations, or industry codes may be applicable, and as such, local Amneal organizations and divisions may also establish more restrictive practices consistent with the applicable local laws. You are responsible for understanding and following all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and Amneal policies in the performance of your duties for the Company. If you have questions about specific details, contact your supervisor or manager, your department head, your Human Resources representative, a Corporate Compliance representative, or an attorney in the Legal Department.